Saturday, February 28, 2015


I am actually sitting in front of the computer for minutes now. I have my pictures ready but i just don't know what to write about. I don't know if I should share what I did the whole day -- but if that's what i'll share, then people would probably get bored. Why? because I have not done anything interesting today. I woke up around 1 am because Adam went out and I am trying my hard not to get mad because I know that he's just somewhere out there drinking. So, instead of getting mad, I just went online and read almost everything on my facebook newsfeed. Went back to bed with the lights on around 2:30 am and woke up around three thirty-ish because I have to get ready for work. My dad fetched me around 4 and off I go to work. Spent 8 hours sitting, talking and speaking in english and an hour and a half walking under the sun and riding jeepneys. Went home, ate merienda and sat in front of the computer. That's it. ;) 

So.. What's a non boring day for me? 

Wake up around 6 am and stay in bed up to 7am doing nothing. Get out of bed, drink milo or eat breakfast and go back to bed and look at random shizz on pinterest. Get up, clean the house and eat. Sit in front of the computer and blog hop. Get out of the computer, eat and do some art shits. Watch tv, eat and prolly play sim city (If Brhent or Adam would allow me to use the Ipad)

Isn't it so... Boring? Hahahahahahaha.


Anyhoos, this is what I wore for work today, Feb 28 2k15
D R E S S . D O W N . S A T U R D A Y S


H T T P : / / H E L L O K I S H Y . B L O G S P O T . C O M

Instagram: @queenbkish

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