Saturday, February 21, 2015


Im inlove with Do-it-yourself art shits since God knows when. I remember creating envelopes from bond papers and design them using used party hats. I love watching arts and craft shows from disney channel and knowledge channel. And since I am not allowed to go elsewhere when I was young, I used to pretend that I am a host of an arts and craft show and talk alone in a room pretending that I'm in front of a camera while I do art shits. Lol. I don't know if that made me qualified as a DIY Arts and craft geek or I am just plain crazy o___O

Anyways, last December of 2014, I decided to just continue being inlove with DIY. I thought of designing clothes. Since heat pressed shirt designs are too mainstream, I thought of hand painting clothes. So i researched then bought the materials I needed.

My friends liked it and told me that I should sell it. And because they are my friends, and I don't know if inuuto lang nila ako, I believed them. It actually was my idea to sell them but I just wanted everything to be perfect this time. I want to see people's reaction. I want to hear feedbacks first before I launch it. It's been months now, but I am still in the planning page. I am done with the design for my first collection, So I just need to think of 2 more designs, buy shirts, get my paints and paint brush ready, and off I go! :3

 Here's design number 1 of 3, tell me what you think!

Would be posting the link for the page once I'm done planning and first collection is available :)
Please follow my soon to open online shop on instagram: @aandkdiy

H T T P : / / H E L L O K I S H Y . B L O G S P O T . C O M

Instagram: @queenbkish

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